Ana Munoz

  • Posted on September 6, 2018 at 11:48 am

Today, the reality is that it is very difficult to know how many GM there are and in which countries. At present, most of them has opened its borders to this type of food. And as consumers few alternatives: environmentally friendly products and consume foods of the season. GM crops, moreover, are not sustainable crops. Disappears the biodiversity of the area, pollute the fields and soil and crops become increasingly resistant to the pesticides use. Once released genetically modified seeds they can not be controlled and it is entered into an irreversible process.

A field of corn contaminated by other transgenic will now never give first class of corn. Genetic transformation forever, I could not return to the starting point. For the first time in the history of mankind, famines are not produced by natural disasters or a bad harvest. The current food crisis comes speculation with food from large food processing companies and the increase in the price of food. Only in 2008, the price increased by 40%. And the rich countries of the North are willing to help the impoverished provided does not touch to its national interests. Agriculture has become today an industry, in a business however, foods that are essential for life. Ana Munoz alvarez journalist ccs@solidarios.

org. It is the center of solidarity collaborations (CCS), is a service of social awareness of the solidarity NGOs, with the objective of informing and sensitizing the society and professionals of the communication on issues of solidarity, social, by a culture of peace, in defense of human rights, with special emphasis on the fight against poverty, exclusion and the protection of the environment justice. The CCS is based on the fundamental need to integrate information development and communication as an element of cooperation. Through its analysts make articles in professional format of high journalistic quality adapted to the spaces of the media and disseminated them through their networks International. In the CCS website (www. solidarity. org. is) all items, produced to date, classified by thematic areas can be found.

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