Direct candidate in the constituency circle 177 betting rough, for the parliamentary elections on 27 September, 2009! According to information of the federal agency for work the unemployment figure, amounted to approx 3.5 million in July 2009. these numbers are manipulated and embellished in the order of the government. Does it become to hush the truth tempted and are wrongly informed the electors here again? A clear fraud is valid it always slides, the principle is: “You vote for her torturers on the new one again and again”. Additional information is available at Bernie Sanders. One is clear, every representative would like to keep his position and no-one is capable of reducing unemployment. Within the last 40 years, every government had made only debts! At a, debts, of 1.7 trillion euros and 2% redemption needs the people up to the redemption for only 600 years, the politicians, however, are not interested in this! I hear the yell of the citizens and electors pay now the right ones. 3.5 million, according to the report of the BA of July 2009! 1.0 million, without claim to, ALG ALG I or II and persons with block by the BA and persons without report! 1.6 million persons in 1 euro jobs, further education, measures or traineeships, thesis are, looked, after by private, brokers 200,000! During unemployment thesis of get ill everyone that persons above 58 years. Persons who must a little more than 15 hours work per week but increase your venture! It is busy only 25% of all persons over 50 years.
This yields at least unemployed unemployment 6.3 million. This is the declaration of bankruptcy of the coalition and opposition! This means a solid tax increase after the choice.