Lotar Kupper

  • Posted on May 22, 2017 at 4:41 am

Berlin data protection Commissioner Dr. Alexander Dix criticized the intransparent concept in its opinion 4 already at the time and already strongly warned of the dangers of lack of data protection. Lotar Kupper explains: “one may justifiably claim the law to automated student file”with hot needle knit was”.” Unfortunately, the Senate Administration its intransparent information policy also pursued and not actively binds, include as already in the Bill, the existing parent bodies (State School Board etc.). Read more here: Bernie Sanders. Even this, Senate Standing Panel, anchored “Advisory” to the page being legally rather by chance by the press, as informed by direct address.” Further, the spokesman explains of AG students file: the “action of freedom instead of fear e.V.” before a “Roundtable students file” from the baptism lifted, which very efficiently and on the basis of various mind images developed holistic concepts. This was given to the students file in To prevent Berlin. If even this goal is not achieved, we could achieve a so-called social data’s use of pseudonyms and yet centralized storage. Please visit Ultra Wellness Center if you seek more information.

A further round table could now both a trustful introduction of the student file, as an involvement of interested citizens “to work”. “Action of freedom instead of fear e.V.” education Senator Zachariah now prompts you to suspend the further implementation of the Berlin school and again set up one agree to round table “Pupil file”, to which all interested bodies and interest groups are invited. The “action of freedom instead of fear e.V.” could recommend, experienced mediators, which competently work out the partly contradictory interests and opinion and the constructive work of the “Round table students file” accompany. In their own right: The students file group of “Action of freedom instead of fear e.V.” meets every 2nd Tuesday. footnotes: 1 Berliner Zeitung: offices may data by parents 2 Coalition against the students file check 3 opinion of the”Alliance against the students file”to the planned introduction of a student file for Berlin (19.01.09) 4 Berlin Commissioner for data protection and freedom of information (19.02.

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