Germany Services

  • Posted on May 27, 2016 at 5:33 pm

Check penalty for slow / the State must pay someone will care, are to tackle a host of problems. If then in addition, that the Treasury delayed the decision, BBs is financially tight. It doesn’t have to be. So, now at least the Fund to respond quickly. Reality lags far behind this wishful thinking. In the future each affected legally insured, more than five weeks waiting for his decision, should be compensated for each delay day with 10.

At least this is so in a first draft of the Federal Ministry of health care reform. This aims, that the insured get a decision quickly, it was shouted from the Ministry of the FDP Health Minister Daniel Bahr in Berlin. In the draft denounced that there are still cases of Fristuberschreitungen to the detriment of the applicant, it says literally. Delays are the norm, not the exception. The medical services of the health insurance (MDK) reported in its opinion to This theme, that over a third of all applications will be processed within one month. Then the mail is added, the 5-week period exceeded in many cases one-month period. To accelerate contribute to, that the maintenance funds can instruct other neutral reviewers in addition to the MDK Pflegebedurftigkeits verification. How this will affect the parallenen area of the private Gesundhetssysteme, is still unclear, the last private health insurance comparison has suggest but no need for action.

The overall evaluation process should according to the design in the future of more service resemble as a bureaucratic administrative act. There are not enough care bases the counselling services for new occupants were in Germany in lower number of far less opened, than was originally intended in the care reform dating back to 2008. This year these care centres started after endless policy debates to achieved. Those in care and their families should find counselling services and support through the bureaucracy here easily. EUR 60 million funding provided for, so that around 1,200 of these bases had may be opened in Germany. According to latest reports from the middle of last year were funded only 353 cases such focal points or planned. The fifth report of the Government on the development of the long-term care insurance, now published by the Bundestag, confirms this figure. In particular many of the approximately 1.2 million dementia patients were trying to help the Union and FDP offer of help for people with dementia this reform. They currently receive no or only a very small help from the long-term care insurance. 70-215 euro higher services per month in different levels of care should be delivered in accordance with the Coalition plans. Opposition and care associations accuse now the Coalition, despite the ambitious announcements remain far too little for the Concerned to do. So, there is still no specific timetable for the advertised fiscally sponsored supplementary insurance for care case. Especially the FDP had requested this. The Ministry of finance and the Ministry of health are in according to their respective speakers in negotiations. “The officials were however said: determining the future regime, and the schedule so still no reliable information available.” Apparently no one tell why this really uncomplicated procedure to the comparison meadow small sums so the length is pulled, can or wants to.

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