Eric Hobsbawm

  • Posted on March 1, 2018 at 2:02 pm

It is by means of the imaginary one that if it can not only reach the head, but in special way, the heart, that is, the aspirations, the fears and the hopes of a people. It is in it that the societies define its identities and objects, define its enemies, organize its past, gift and future. Imaginary the social one is constituted and if express by ideologies and utopias, without a doubt, but also? is it interests what me? for symbols and myths that can, for its diffuse character, its codified reading less, one becomes powerful elements of projection of interests, collective aspirations and fears. In the measure where they have success in reaching the imaginary one, they can also shape vises of shape world and behaviors. The republican regimen also needed to create or ' ' to invent tradies' ' that they could answer the new necessities of justification of its regimen, in which if its speech desired to inculcar the referring values.

In this direction, we can appeal to the consideraes of Eric Hobsbawm who classifies the invention of traditions, as occured during the implementation of the republican regimen, as the invented traditions that they search to establish or to legitimize institutions and that they need to be fixed or that, minimum, symbolize the elements of social cohesion or admission of a group. Being thus, we can perceive that the Brazilian Republic is on to the called inventions official or ' ' polticas' ' that they appear, over all, in states or social movements and organized politicians. The parties of commemoration of the advent of the republican regimen had also been occurred significant events in Belm. These events had for basic objective to try to establish elements of social cohesion, not only ' ' apagando' ' the imperial past, but also constructing, on the other hand, the tradition of republican parties that could create a consensus and reduce the existing differences from the production in mass of events or ' ' tradies' ' referring to the consolidation of the Brazilian republican regimen.

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