Educational Institutions In The UK

  • Posted on August 4, 2018 at 2:26 am

In the list of the best educational institutions in the world schools offering training in the uk, have always occupied the highest places. This is easily explained by the long and rich history of English education – the tradition of training in Britain formed over the centuries, preserving all the best and discarding unnecessary. No change in the country and the world did not make British schools to close or radically revise the principles of education, so today most prestigious educational institutions can boast of a continuous five-century history. However, there are schools that are studying in the uk even longer – so famous Winchester (Winchester College) was founded in 1382. In those times of such training in the uk could get only the most gifted children, and paid for by the formation of the wealthy nobility, until the king himself. Schools were exclusively male, girls were opportunity to undergo training in the uk much later.

It should be noted that today many of the oldest educational institutions engage in collaborative learning – though most of them accept a limited number of students of the opposite sex and only in high school. Winchester – one of the few schools that attended only by boys, just as it was six hundred years ago. On the advantages and disadvantages of segregated education in Britain can argue endlessly. Proponents of this method leads the main argument – for centuries, and for which there was the glory of English schools, colleges and universities, the boys learned to separate from girls. Today, the desire to preserve the traditions of making school more elite and prestigious.

It is along this road went Winchester. Here, however, cherish not only a special way of life in school, but also the principles on which construction training in the uk. Although education is costly and not equally shared, Winchester has a well developed system of grants and scholarships for gifted students. Doing here, everyone has a chance to sustain a particular exam, through which you can enter the number of fellows – as did the boys were trained in Britain a century ago.

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