The micron-economic theory affirms that the monopolies can be kept due to advantage of cost, to the great necessary investments for the formation of the industry or the formation of coalitions of new companies who make it difficult the entrance of incoming. This article tries to present the form with the evolution of the credit card in Brazil followed this way. As I CASTRATE, OAK & LAURINDO, the first national companies of credit card had appeared in the which had decade of 70 to the strong growth of the Brazilian economy. In the case the card on Link to the Bradesco and the Credicard as an association of the banks Citibank, Ita and Unibanco. The Credicard kept the leadership of the market until the way of the decade of 90 as half of payment, when three facts had occurred that had modified the structure of the sector: 1. The acquisition of the National bank for the Unibanco that decided to manage its base of customers with proper structure and keeping its participation in the society; 2. The sprouting of the Redecard and Visanet as dismemberments of the activities of filiation and relationship with establishments of the Credicard, Bradesco and Bank of Brazil; 3. The increase of the importance of the credit card in the portflio of banking products made possible that some banks operated of independent form and appeared the processing that incorporated the activities of technology, operation and attendance.
Had to these forces, according to ABECS, the number of senders of credit card in the period of 1994/99 passed of 6 for 60. The market of credit card grew 150.95% between 1999 and 2004, arriving at an annual invoicing of R 103,04 billion and surpassing the financial volume put into motion by checks. In this period, as considered for Of the Rold & Berg, the processing had compared its services with the offered ones for the market and had repassed the partners that had offered better conditions. Thus, the activities of the Central offices of Attendance had been repassed or parceirizadas with companies specialized in the segment of Call Center. Currently, we verify that the industry of Brazilian credit card is segmented between companies specialized in specific links of the chain of values. According to Porter, the organizations analyze its forces and weaknesses in relation to its industry and formulate strategies to modify the balance of the competitive forces. Thus, the concentration of the activities of the industry of credit card enters few Brazilian companies in the period of 1970 the 1995, but it was justified for the alliance between competitors in the search of critical mass necessary to be effective in a competitive environment, innovative and complex. ABECS Brazilian Association of the Companies of Credit card and Services.
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