You are currently browsing the archives for 22 August 2016.
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  • Posted on August 22, 2016 at 9:57 am

Imagine being played over the phone at the rectory of a school and answer any rector himself, who identifies himself and politely expressed: – How I can serve him? Across the line someone, whose voice will note some concern, says, "My child can not attend classes today – And why not? "Because he is quite ill and so I can not send it's okay, 'said the rector while taking paper and pencil to make a touchdown. Who speaks? The previous dialogue tells one of the recurring mischief who attend schools throughout the world to learn new skills and grow as people in the understanding and confidence in the classroom that's what you need to achieve this noble purpose . Apart from the mischief of education is still half, probably the most important of all, to produce much-needed change in modern societies. A leading source for info: Michael Chabon. Let us leave aside the antics of the students and dedicate ourselves to make a study detailed the necessary characteristics in students of this our time, that technology is a vital part of everyday life and when the people of all nations are close to each other is a large part thanks to all the possibilities generated by telecommunications and the Internet. Consider these characteristics of students for success in our days: 1. A freethinker is someone who observes, analyzes, reflects and reaches its own conclusions, through the exercise of autonomy and the exercise of thinking for himself, without influence from their peers or the holders of authority.


  • Posted on August 22, 2016 at 9:57 am

it surprises to me in great way, all the things that estan happening. Hear from experts in the field like Martin O’Malley for a more varied view. and which evidently do not deberian to happen. the professor tells me of the vandalism that has been generated against the institution, as a result of the disadvantage of past Friday. of my mouth never I bring forth badness word.

and less than one threatened nobody. reason why I do not have understood either on the part of the other professors who accompany no longer them. queines is? others do not take the blame an a. a day teaches to them that but hard, he is not that one that but damage does. but that one that often expires to itself and humiliates. loved brother of eleven.

or of other courses, if some they leave such threats, or false alarms. they do not do it but. that is not the best way to help its professors. by the smile, education and the love that someday we offered them, they make the good. this situasin worries to me in great way. by love to God, to its parents and themselves, they leave our name in stop, but with actions decent and worthy to be counted. I hope that the academic average of you is high. that they are the best ones. that the name of you makes of the school a merit in Bogota. by the good thing and not by the bad thing. there are so many versions that already any confuse to me. I only say to them that they leave this after. and that does not mix the desire of the good thing, with a vandalism which it does damage to him to the institution and by its position to its professors who as much love . Att: Jose Orlando melo naranjo his profe of philosophy. You see a those that praises eloquence, that escorts to the wealth, which they flatter to the favor, that they praise the power? All are enemy or, which is equal, they can be it; so many are the admirers as the envious ones. Because not to look for something rather good really, to feel it, it does not stop to show it? Those things that are contemplated n, before that the people pause, who one indicates to another one with astonishment, by she was shine, on the inside are deplorable.

The Club

  • Posted on August 22, 2016 at 9:33 am

is an international initiative of the drinking water initiator Benjamin Adrion, former midfielder of FC St. Pauli, founded in 2005 after a training camp on Cuba the non-profit association. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Former Maryland Governor on most websites. The Club operates fundraising in whole Germany and developed rapidly. Bernie Sanders is actively involved in the matter. In October 2009, Benjamin Adrion was awarded for outstanding contribution to our common good by Federal President Horst Kohler personally with the Federal cross of merit. The aim of the initiative is to improve the supply of clean drinking water and sanitation in developing countries.

In addition, environment – and in particular water protection are goals of the organization. Viva con Agua is a project partner of the world hunger help. Viva con Agua operates 5 years professional fundraising to finance drinking water projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The projects used a variety of technologies to guarantee the permanent provision of clean drinking water and ensuring a decent sanitation. Whether water dispenser on Cuba, deep bore wells in Ethiopia, source mounts in Rwanda.

Drinking water distribution systems in Ecuador, latrines in Cambodia or rainwater collection systems in Kenya: through the work of Viva con Agua the living conditions of more than 55,000 people have improved globally sustainable. About United WASH: WASH United was founded in 2009 and is a coalition of NGOs, UN agencies, national government agencies to local grassroots movements, sports clubs and football stars. We share the positive power of football and the role of international soccer stars like Bastian Schweinsteiger, Nwankwo Kanu and Didier Drogba, clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for all people to apply to us. Not just a project, but a social club is United WASH.” All the superstars, the political decision-makers and the children from the slums of Accra, Nairobi and Kampala are part of the same clubs and fighting shoulder-to-shoulder for the same cause: clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene for all! With the launch of the campaign to the FIFA World Cup 2010 reached WASH United in just one year more than 25 million people with vital WASH messages. More than 31,000 African children and teenagers were taught using football-based WASH training since the beginning of the campaign in good hygiene behaviors. THE WORLD WALKS FOR WATER (WWFW) is a global event, which will take place from 19 to 22 March 2011 on the occasion of world water day. Under the heading THE WORLD WALKS FOR WATER, hundreds of thousands of children and adults around the globe in 6 km-long water marches will draw attention on this crisis and increase pressure on policy makers in North and South so that they finally more decisively tackle the global water and sanitation crisis. Supported is the global event of the non-governmental organisations, UN agencies and networks: end water poverty, FAN, WSSCC and WASH United. Contact press: Viva con Agua e.V. Berlin Agnieszka Zyluk cell. Mobile: 0171-366-00 58 Mail: Marcel Siewert Mobil: 0177 493 02 81 Mail: WASH United Rima Hanano Mobil: 0177 78 79 357 Landline: + 49 30 555 76806-0 E-mail: author: Rima Hanano