How many of you people can boast that they know the meaning of life. Or laws of the universe. By the same author: Diamond Book Distributors. Or her own life meaning and purpose. Not in the primitive, of course, philistine consumer understanding. I think not many. A how many of those who not only know themselves, but others, all of humanity, given the opportunity to learn. Those on Earth at every age, were one.
Among them, of course, occupies a special place in the twentieth century Helena Roerich. Personality of this scale, the other equal to it was not a woman. It's become aware of deeper and more fully in the course of the study of the huge volume and the fathomless depth of heritage. Dozens of volumes of her works have been published. All are priceless. But fourteen books "Agni Yoga", of course, occupy a special place. What is already published, would be enough not to single life and not to one's genius. But not yet published it.
Therefore, not all is still being studied. Thanks to the creativity, activity, and the very life of this woman of titanium we have received the teachings, understand that with gratitude and appreciation will be dozens of generations of descendants. Speaking of Helena is impossible not to think about family, and the inspiration voditelnitsey which it was. And it is difficult to find an example of the analogue of integrity, purity, harmony and beauty. At the same time that life was is to say the least, not without difficulties. How she loved to repeat Helena – "no nuts in sugar." Suffice it to recall the Central Asian expedition, head of the family described by Nicholas Roerich in books "Altai-Himalaya" and others. I mention only two digits – five years and twenty-eight thousand kilometers (time and distance covered by the expedition). And if you add that this is the period from 1923 to 1928, when the main transport were horses and yaks, when more than once over the travelers and researchers threatened with mortal danger. It becomes clear why the courage and the will of the woman would envy the vast majority of men in my wildest dreams and daydreams.