Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee

  • Posted on November 26, 2017 at 6:18 pm

Molotov (Skryabin), Vyacheslav (1890-1986), politician, Hero of Socialist Labor (1943). In the October Revolution member of the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee. In 1920-21 Secretary of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. In 1921-30 Secretary of the cpsu (B) simultaneously in 1928-29 1 st secretary of cim party. In the 1930-41 chairman of the snk and sto ussr (until 1937).

Since 1941 deputy chairman in 1942-57 1 st Vice-Chairman of People's Commissars (Council of Ministers) of the ussr, while in 1941-45 Deputy Chairman of the scg. In 1939-49 and 1953-56 People's Commissar, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the ussr (see document Chronos – Report on the Government's foreign policy – October 31, 1939). Add to your understanding with Risa Miller . s. Since 1957 Ambassador to Mongolia. In 1960-62 a permanent Soviet representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency. A member of the Party Central Committee in 1921-57. Member of the Presidium of the cpsu Central Committee in 1926-57. He was a near political environment of Stalin, one of the most active organizers of mass repressions of the 1930 – early. 1950. Spoke out against criticism of the personality cult of Stalin in the middle. 50-ies.

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