There are too many college students who believe that it will be easy to find a good job after graduating. They think that they just send ten or twelve leaves to life to different companies, take some interviews and someone is going to offer a job well payment. Many of these students are wrong. Many students may also have unrealistic ideas about the initial wages that will receive, their roles and responsibilities of the work or its situation within the organization. A luxury apartment, a new sports car and a lot of money for holidays, entertainment you can imagine and a cell phone late model. These students can even reject job offers that force them to relocate, working long hours or start from below. The students of this type you can not imagine what is send 100 sheets of lives or more and be disappointed each time. They don’t see accepting a job bad payment, living in her parents and struggling to pay their student loans.
Without, however, students with expectations soon realists will be disappointed more frequently before those students who understand their perspectives in a difficult labour market, that are willing to make some tough decisions and are willing to fight to succeed. Realistically, a finite number of jobs there is always well payments with the most respected entrepreneurs, within any field of interest. In difficult times, there will be even fewer jobs. Within the most affected industries, and the most affected regions of the country, may be few or none at all. Therefore, students are expected to use their third year of study to investigate and try to understand the situation of employment in their field of interest. These early research they will anticipate the problems in the labor field, modify their job search strategies and adjust your expectations and plans in the last year of studies.