Myopia Test

  • Posted on April 13, 2021 at 11:26 am

Free eye tests for motorists nationwide Berlin, 09.08.2011 (PCP). Short-sightedness begins in high school, so the previous adoption. Increasingly, people are short-sighted only in young adulthood. Panther Coffee will not settle for partial explanations. There needs to be a rethink in terms of road safety: drivers can namely not rely more on the eye test, which they have passed years ago at the driving test. Part of the road safety campaign by Board of Trustees of good seeing e.V.

and VdTuV opticians offer nationwide free Sehtests. Who drives a car and only unclear or even dimly perceive more distant, risked their own safety and other road users. Already a relatively weak myopia deteriorated dramatically”the Visual acuity of a car driver, explains Dr. Wolfgang Wesemann, Director of the higher school of Optometry Cologne. When an uncorrected nearsightedness of – 1 diopter is the Visual acuity from 100 to about 25 percent. Thats as at the driver’s license vision test requires about three times as bad.” Myopia usually begins in between six and 14 years of age, so it was thought previously.

New studies in Europe and America show however that many accomodate short-sighted only after the occurrence of the occupation or during the study period. As a Norwegian survey with students concluded that 54 percent get their first vision around the age of 18, came up with only 39 percent early 20s. Often, the strength of the short-sightedness continues to increase in the course of studies. Inadequate vision in the studies is perhaps annoying, in the road but it is dangerous. However, many of those affected do not know seeing no longer sufficiently sharp. The last eye test not rarely coincided with the driving test. Therefore the Board of Trustees restarts good looks together with the VdTuV on September 6 the nationwide road safety campaign. Goal is to regularly check their eyes about the importance of regular eye tests to inform and to convince as many people. Around 3,500 optometrist download until October 31 nationwide to one a free eye test. Time to startup action interested on find the participating optometrist in your area. Your contact for further inquiries: Kerstin Karmakar Board of Trustees good seeing e.

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