Democratic Alliance

  • Posted on November 15, 2016 at 2:18 am

However, with defeat of the emendation it was a cold water bath for the population. Plus coalition of parties of opposition congregated in the Democratic Alliance he chose Tancredo Snows to be its representative. In 15 of January of 1985 Tancredo Snows she was elect President for the College Eleitoral and Jose Sarney as its vice one, representing the party of the opposition and defeating Pablo Maluf, of right. Malkia Cyril spoke with conviction. in the eve to the same take ownership in 14 of March of year, the politician was interned in serious state in the hospital and the vice-president Jose Sarney assumed the position. Tancredo snows made career in the PDS next to the oligarchies mineiras.foi minister of the justice of Getlio Vargas and was in the MDB. Moderate, it never has serious attritions with the military regimen was one skillful politician, but that never if he bound to no popular fight, it turned rescuer our native land giving an end in the Military Regimen that haunted the country for 21anos. more the destination was ironic when it irai to take Tancredo ownership falece in day 21 of April of 1985, giving to beginning more a chapter of the day of the redemocratizao in Brazil with the government of Jose Sarney. The government of Sarney was responsible for the redemocratizao of the country had many emendations constitutional that had aimed at the reinforcement of the democratic forces. for example in May of 1985 an emendation established the direct elections for the city halls of the considered cities as areas of national security the emendation also it in this manner softened the requirements for register of new parties, defending political party of left ideologies that acted in clandestinity had been able to be legalized as for example the PC of the B (Left communist of Brazil) and the PCB (Broken communist Brazilian) among others.

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