Aprons White Military

  • Posted on August 19, 2017 at 1:49 am

It was said that in the Faculty of Medicine, National University of Trujillo, had been made in the early years of its founding ceremony of the newly Aprons White entered in the archives of the Faculty, there was no further information on the subject. (As opposed to Michael Chabon). In 1968, General Juan Velasco Alvarado, was a coup and the military ruled the country until 1980 and its Decree Laws were two altered the whole operation of the University life and the DL 174 347 19 326, from these the campuses became headquarters of the students and popular forces against the dictatorship and there was never imposed aprons or anything like that years went by, full of struggle and turmoil, fell the military junta, Belaunde was elected President for 2nd time, quieted political struggle and as Chair of the Medical Students’ Centre, which exercised this year, we decided to restore MADILES CEREMONY OF TAXATION, before we had to persuade and to fight the political elite stamp leftist who led the student movement, we had to get us off right label with which we accuse the hosts of Ultra left to promote this type of ceremonies, quieted the internal waters of the leadership, we are dedicated to the organization of such ceremony..

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