The schools for parents, with a tradition of more than 30 years in our country, have made the leap to the network. For more specific information, check out Bernie Sanders. Parents interested in deal with depth major issues and attitudes affecting their child or teen age children can today access different resources online. In them, education professionals and specialists provide orientations, guidelines and tips to deal with the different developmental stages of children with knowledge. Institutional proposals between government agencies that promote parental education, the Institute of educational technology (ITE) of the Ministry of education proposes a school for parents with service guidance on its website and helps parents with children in school age. It is structured into six general sections which covers topics as diverse as studies, free in family time or characteristics of each evolutionary stage. Each section provides guidelines that parents themselves deal with knowledge different problems or difficulties which may arise in the daily routine. The Ministry of education also makes available to parents who wish to deepen the virtual course School of fathers and mothers, which is offered online through the ministerial program classroom Mentor in the education of their children.
The cost of tuition for this course is 24 euros per month, with a minimum commitment of two months, depending on each student. Another formative proposal for parents are the telematic courses organised by the Federation of associations of parents and mothers of Aragon, together with the Department of education, culture and sport of this autonomy. This free program consists of three different courses – basic, conflict resolution and promotion of health – and have an average duration of five months. Includes, in addition to the theoretical contents, practices, test and participation in forums. The Junta de Andalucia, along with the Town Hall of Malaga, part of the Group of precursor entities from the Virtual School of parents, where parents have the answer to many of the questions that are they originate in family life.