The Original Attempt To Revive The Celtic Culture

  • Posted on July 11, 2013 at 3:47 pm

In this time of global culture, while the economy is universalized, it also is producing a homogenization of global culture so ancient cultural small are losing prominence. On this occasion created a new Web site that tries to resume starting this week, Celtic culture, presenting the world in one of the places where more deeply rooted Celtic has been the magic. ” So Brian has presented O’donoughes, head of the new project the idea of which arises the new portal. “Ireland is a country which suffered a great loss of this Celtic culture when the English came, and again gets to experience a setback with the arrival on the island of the different communities of different nationalities that are being established as a result of economic boom of recent years. Therefore, with this new site we try to recover a bit of knowledge about the original Celtic culture is “as referring to the continued O’donoughes reason has led them to the realization the new website. The new portal comes with a handy user-friendly menu is divided into different sections based on presenting the history and culture while accompanying it with the possibilities that are in Ireland to discover the ancient culture that has inhabited the North Atlantic country for many centuries.

This makes it possible to join one of the excursions offered by either group, organized tours, city tours and other activities such as hiking the website offers to discover some of the places, many of them sacred, in which breathing the essence of Celtic culture. “There is much that Celtic culture in Ireland has provided over a long time, music, folklore, including the openness of its people, the value has family in Ireland and we can not let that be lost. So we wanted to return as Irish somehow a little bit of this to the Celtic culture, promoted through our site. ” Thus ended an interesting designer presentation of the new portal has done. is the Spanish version of the new site and all information and services offered can be found in Spanish.

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