Press release of the National Association of mining concerned Saar E.v. 01.09.2009/14 as predicted coming 2009 expected it in the Landtag election in the Saar to the tight result and a stalemate between right and left camp. The formation of a Government only with the option of a grand coalition of the CDU and SPD is possible without the Greens. This seems to be coming at least in question but at the time the Variant. From the perspective of mining affected the outcome of the election with a large question mark can be seen: the parties of CDU, FDP and Greens, which are for an end of coal mining, have a clear majority and thus actually received the Government order of voters. Now it depends on but on the Saar-green, to implement this mandate of the selector.
Jamaica is the first choice. As whatever the Federal Greens comment, it is inconceivable that Hubert Ulrich, the years page to page occurred with mining stakeholders on each demonstration for an end of the mining industry, the essential requirement for a for the mining stakeholders will give up immediate mining end in coalition negotiations. Also Oskar Lafontaine’s announcement of a densely populated and industrial-rich area of Saarland in the hamlet of Friedrich in the greater region of Saarlouis, want to mine, could not slow the shift to the left in the Saar. Now it will be exciting to see how implement from his campaign promises that he has issued to the votes on the ProBergbau page, Oskar Lafontaine wants to. Contact: Agency Kopfwerker Peter Lehnert Hubertus square 2 66809 Nalbach Tel.: 06838 2639