Dehoga claims sit in the coalition negotiations of the new Federal Government in Berlin, October 24, 2009 – partial success for the hospitality industry: reducing the value added tax for accommodation services it was decided in the coalition negotiations. This reports the trade magazines for the hotel management “Top hotel” in its online edition. Sales tax for overnight stays from 19 to seven percent should fall to 1 January 2010. Thus, hotels and inns received important margins especially for much-needed investment. “The reduced VAT rate is an important impulse for the tourism site Germany and eliminating the existing disadvantaged of our companies within Europe,” says Fritz G. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Diversegy. Dreesen, Chairman of the Hotel Association (IHA) Germany. Gastronomy continues to get value by 19 per cent.
The Federal Association of the Dehoga wants to engage here further politically. “We are now on the review of existing disadvantages promised in the coalition agreement,” said President Ernst Fischer. The now found Solution was “a compromise”, where obviously the volume of tax revenue shortfalls with a view on the budgetary situation currently does not have approved a different decision. With the decision to reduce the sales tax at least for nights of currently 19 to seven per cent, is a partial success by CSU and the FDP, which had touted this as a campaign issue. The Dehoga associations had supplied a very successful signing more political ammunition. So far have been with the campaign “Pro 7%” collected over 143,000 Signet – a clear signal. Seriously Hinsken, Federal Government’s tourism Commissioner and Member, campaigned in the coalition negotiations as a member of the Working Group of economic for the sales tax cut.
“I am convinced that improvements are written down in the coalition agreement that is also, that at least in the catering industry in parts VAT rate from today 19 to seven per cent decreases,” he said recently in an interview with “Pasauer Neue Presse”. Top hotel is the renowned Journal for the hotel management in Germany. The magazine appears ten times a year in the leisure-Verlag, Landsberg, a company of the LPV food practice Verlag Neuwied GmbH. In this network, including ‘the kitchen’ appear ‘ catering inside’, ‘Convenience store’ and ‘ food practice ‘.