Because the plan specifically was developed for the energy group E.on, also the question, for which companies, associations and institutions more this nuclear strategies to influence the federal election are launched? “Coincidence or not, at the world’s largest technology show”, the Hannover Messe, presented himself in April 2009 Vattenfall as a Platinum sponsor of the world energy dialogue roof event so, and not only am as the energy consensus from Artworld Bundestag election had taken place earlier this year September 27, 2009. The World Energy Dialogue organized by Deutsche Messe AG and the BDI was under the patronage of Federal Minister of Economics Glos. The World Energy Dialogue was the opposite an open-ended dialogue. So, like the coalition of black-and-yellow Atom Apostles had already sat on the levers of power. This black and yellow of the sovereign at this early stage was not authorized. By law, the nuclear phase-out agreed with the industry and the rapid expansion of renewable energies was in April 2009. Particularly tricky, just one a 250 million State subsidy to the Deutsche Messe AG in the pre-cleaning – and election year 2009 as capital increase”the CDU/FDP guided Lower Saxony of the atom developer Christian Wulff.
The Hannover Messe-Deutsche Messe AG is as you know an economic and energy trendsetter. And there, so far still the fossil nuclear establishment had accompanied the reins in hand, by diverse braided Club Meierei. What trendsetting pay for here so the taxpayers and voters about 250 million euros, but the fair has just 700 employees? “Campaign goal: solidarity between nuclear power and renewable energies”. As a core objective was the PRGS strategy paper “before, with Bill arguments, such as climate change or security of supply, corridors for a purported solidarity between nuclear power and renewable energies” to roll freely. Was it concealed, that most of medium-sized renewable innovation company to charity recipients of nuclear oligarchy would thus subjugated.