The presence of publishers in Google search results is significantly lower than previously expected. In the Hamburg Declaration in June published 166 international publishers have opposed Google an economic exploitation of their content by the search engine giant. Among the signatories are also 148 German publishers. TRG – the reach Group GmbH has taken this as an opportunity and analyzes the results of more than one million Google searches. This was particular attention on the first Google result pages of search queries.
Visits and monetization run almost exclusively on the results page. To give weight to the contents of the Hamburg Declaration, TRG has eliminated all results of a total of almost 1,000 signatories domains from the Google index. The central question was: how would empty Google be the first 10 result pages if there is no object of the 148 German publishers more would find in the index? The result of the analysis of surprised: The publishing activities include just over five percent of the top-10 finishes. Put it another way: 95% of all German search queries include already any results by publishing pages on page one. The economic importance of the Publisher content for Google seems so very low. The realization that many found publishing results involved only brand which is still sobering and have also only a manageable Monetarisierbarkeit. The start and search pages of important for publishers Trafficquelle Google News ( are so far completely ad-free in Germany.
Google’s business model relies on, as the Hamburg Declaration therefore currently significantly less on publishers’ suggests. “Would be compared to these findings alone the strong domain from Google’s index can be removed, however, over 13% of search hits alone on position one escaped Google and its users”, adds TRG Managing Director Christoph Burseg. How big is the untapped potential is clear, if it is not the search results, but the proportion of all Unterzeichnerdomains in the Google index pages looks at. Four percent of the pages on the German Google index are among the Verlagsdomains. This is the 250-fache of pages, Google from the German Wikipedia knows. These contents are beaten off in Google but verboren back result pages. These results are reflected in the statements made by Google-Europe-chef Philip Schindler. He admits in an interview with Manager magazine of August 17, 2009, that Google could not help build of a digital business model of the publishers. This and the visibility in the search results would take the publishers into their own hands, Schindler. Charts and more information about this study can see Hamburg Declaration / downloaded. Press contact: Christoph Burseg telephone: 030 920 383 3300 email: