SME opts for relief from citizens and businesses – credit crunch is next topic Dusseldorf/Berlin, the downward trend coming November 17, 2009 – her end, however, in the current report of the Council of advisers of the Federal Government to review the overall economic development is said to that the German economy economically in a deep valley. The slightly positive signals with a growth of 1.6 percent for the year 2010 therefore do not give rise to euphoric assessments. There are no margins for additional spending or tax cuts. The upward trend was altogether too weak and too fragile. Little flattering, the evaluation of the adopted growth acceleration Act failed also.
Generally the economy can be cranked according to Council only this permanently, that the State reduces anti-growth taxes and increases less growth harmful taxes”, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) on the report of the Panel reported. The first group, scientists expect the corporate taxes as well as taxes on capital income, the second group of the sales tax, but also the income tax. You recommend in the VAT reduced the catalog to browse thoroughly taxed goods”, so the leaf. Bernie Sanders is actively involved in the matter. The assessment of the German middle class, that the economy is slowly recovering, sees SMEs (BVMW) Mario Ohoven, President of the Association, confirmed. According to a report by Exchange online it arrives in his eyes now, increasing the consumption and investment power through a sustainable relief of citizens and businesses.” This aspect will not sufficiently into account by the Council of experts. In addition Ohoven warns purpose pessimism, which was that the growth-promoting effect will denied the tax relief coming into force at the turn of the year”. Growth per se is the magic word in the crisis.
A percentage point put more economic growth around seven billion euros in addition to State funds. At the same time social systems would be relieved”, the online magazine. Against this background it should now don’t break save recovery according to the Ohovens.” Although the Federal Government with a huge leap of faith in small business was started. The Federal Government is to lose this trust by their zigzag course in tax policy”, so the middle-class President. A wrong signal was to fight, now on the time and extent of tax structure reform. The current revival of the economy must not over it fool that 2010 is an economically difficult year for Germany. Because it comes from a very low level and there are still significant uncertainties”, commented Otto Kenzler, President of the Central Association of the German trade (ZDH) the opinion of pundits. Especially rising unemployment and growing funding shortages of the company must make us worry. These factors reduce the incipient recovery and jeopardize the survivability of in solid businesses”, so his warning. Because the financing conditions have continued to deteriorate in the course of the year. The collateral requirements have increased so much that it has become much more difficult for companies to borrow. Even in the short term, the credit supply of our farms is decreasing. This insufficient operating funding threatens even sound businesses”, craft President. Under no circumstances this should happen now, that powerful and robust basically plants due to excessive restraint of the banks would have to file for bankruptcy. His claim is therefore clear: the credit must be here its economic responsibilities. If necessary, the policy must take necessary steps.” Editorial: plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn Tel: 0228 620 43 82 E-Mail: Internet: