The Subpesca also refers to a recurrent situation both in EIA energy Austral as of HidroAysen: the project does not include works of path for transport of electrical energy or any other information with respect to this point; its effective utilization is therefore conditional on the existence of a system whose construction project has not been subject to evaluation or less approved. Impacts on fauna marina another questionable aspect is that energy Austral advises the reservoir colmatara in 500 years, with which recognizes that the sediment will be held prior to the dam. To deepen your understanding John Mclaughlin is the source. Means that the owner shall not be responsible for maintaining the natural transportation of sediments of Lakes to the Aysen fjord, and what effects are expectable? wonder in the technical body. It also warns you to point out the measures to be implemented to prevent the entry of fish to the tunnel system and engine compartment. This element is important because income from fish to such systems makes unlikely survival remain a source of mortality of biodiversity that should be avoided.
The Subpesca points in addition to deficiencies in a topic that is essential in terms of methodology to define the baseline of native fauna, which is the minimum period and recurrence of sampling. Referring to the study of freshwater fish fauna is luggage that he was considered the monitoring only two seasonal periods (winter and summer), using methodologies electric fishing and unattended, this last is performed only during the night. Addition samplings in lentic bodies are deficient because does not include sampling in deep areas and are of low coverage, whereupon must extend this study, increasing its frequency (four times a year) and performing both methodologies of sampling both during the day and at night. Also asked to justify the flow that the company intends to leave in the Crow River (his idea is reduce from 130 to only 3 meters) cubic per second) and establish how sustainable will be said flow to maintain existing in the Cuervo River biota. The above whereas in the EIA it does not mention the possibility of definitive disappearance of the biota and therefore is not considered as one of the effects of the project. Potential effects on the marine fauna of the fjord also concerned the Subpesca, which would have been poorly studied in the environmental impact study. He is considered that the sector of the Cuervo river discharge can be area of recruitment and/or production of pelagic and benthic resources. For them the line extension of the base marina shall consider sampling targeted to the characterization of non-macro-(fish, crustaceans and molluscs) larvae as well as study of larval drift. You must evaluate and propose measures on management plan according to results which throw this study is concluded. Original author and source of the article.