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The Place

  • Posted on April 14, 2020 at 12:26 pm

It is in this context that ‘ ‘ possibility of this crossing between geography and education becomes sobremodo important in a world in crisis, express crisis, among others ways, in the concretudes of the lived space through which the social relations if geografizam’ ‘ (I water, 2000, P. 8). In the too much levels of education, the question to interlace geography and education can not appear with so great relevance, but, in the initial years, it is impossible not to be considered. if, in the exercise to think and to look ways of geography for the children, was found the key to unmask the possibilities of construction of a more consequent pertaining to school geography? It would be an interesting reflection. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Michael Chabon. How to make, then, to surpass a traditional education, and an equally traditional professor, working with other people’s contents to the world of the life? How to work with the reality without following of linear form the scales, but setting them, establishing connection them, to obtain to give account of the complexity of the world? As to look at the place with the eyes of the world, as to see the place of it /em the world? Leaving of the estimated theoreticians who mark out with buoys our conceptions of education and geography, as to proceed to teach geography in the initial series it starts to be the challenge.

E, being fidiciary offices to these referenciais, the search must be centered in the basic estimated one of that, it stops beyond the reading of the word, is basic that the child obtains to make the reading of the world. HOW TO READ THE WORLD OF THE LIFE? Without a doubt, breaking of the place, considering the concrete reality of the lived space. It is in the daily one of the proper experience that the things go happening e, thus, configuring the space, giving feio to the place..