
  • Posted on July 16, 2018 at 8:33 am

The ways are many to innovate education with the use of the technologies. According to MORAN (2008, p.148): With the support of the technologies, them pillars of an innovative education if support in a set of proposals with some great axles, that serve to it of guide and base: knowledge integrator and innovator; development of autoestima and the self-knowledge; formation of enterprising pupils; construction of pupils citizens. Pillars are that will be able to become the process much more flexible teach-learning, enterprising and innovative. The main objective is to prepare the pupil to interact with the half modern, helping in the research, participating of cooperative experiences and exploring diverse ways for the resolution of problems and challenges. If it cannot lose of sight, also, the incorporation of the technologies in the project pedagogical politician of the school. It is to verify itself that many schools already use of these technologies, however the forms of work and aiming of the activities are contradictory. To some they do not pass of computer science lessons whose main focus is that the pupil has domain of resources that the computers make use.

Others direct its use the solution of practical of one contents determined discipline; others still associate with the application of small projects detached from the reality not only of the pupil as of the proper school. Another important point is the lack of preparation of many professors in using these technologies with the pupils. In this direction, it must be said that the correct use of the computer is that one that tries to provoke changes in the pedagogical boarding of the school being been tool of mediation between pupil and constructed knowledge, stimulating autonomy, cooperation, criticidade, creativity and power to decide capacity.

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