RedState President Barack Obama

  • Posted on August 29, 2018 at 12:18 am

Breathe again, on our continent, airs of interventions and military invasions, to again forcibly enormous energy from Venezuela and Ecuador reserves, and access to vast sources of raw materials and the fresh water that has Latin America, and the United States and much of Europe Atlantic come of its colonial property. The United States, before our recurrent naivety, plays the Machiavellian game that we can locate in different political and ideological fronts, argued petty interests on the part of some Latin American rulers who have gone astray of the liberating path on our continent, to kneel before the capital. In its attempt to militarily disarm our current political processes, they have instituted a boycott to purchases of armaments and spares soldiers of our armed forces that follows a plan of obsoletizacion of armament and equipment necessary for the defence of our Nations, then we accuse hypocritically the world wanting to start an uncontrollable arms race. Them that have equipped excessively and no control whatsoever to forces armed Colombian, in the same noses of the OAS and the UN and who have established the seven U.S. Get all the facts and insights with Bernie Sanders, another great source of information. military bases – Israelis, to supposedly combat irregular forces or to suppress the people and social organisations in the neighboring country, accuse the rest of the countries of our region of interventionism and rearmament. It would have to make use of the theories of the world upside down by Eduardo Galeano, in order to understand the dangerous war game that want to impose through the method gobeliano, the United States and its allies in our continent. Obed Juan Vizcaino Najera. September 16, 2009..

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