Racial Relations

  • Posted on May 27, 2015 at 7:45 pm

The discrimination is something as well as the practical translation, the exteriorizao, the manifestation, the materialization it racism, it preconception and it esteretipo. As the proper name says, it is an action that results in breaking of the rights (national Program of Human Rights, op. cit., P. 15). The great found difficulties, to if working this project, were the indifference with that the racial discrimination is dealt by the pupils, as if it was irrelevant subject for them; The challenges so that if it can win racism are innumerable, first are necessary to know, that racism is the trend of thought, or in the way to think where if of to the great importance to the notion of the existence of races distinct human beings and superior some to the others.

The pupils who possess the preconception believe that for possessing hereditary physical characteristics, they are superior to others. Racism is not a simple economic discrimination, but yes the producer of a process consolidated through the exclusion time and social and economic inferiorizao. The economic aspects interact in such a way with the racial discrimination in a hand as in another one, and even in the contrahand. Then, we tend to think thus, judging that the preconception is always limited to the other. Munanga (1996), says that if it cannot deny, however, that the consequences of attitudes racist, irrational, have provoked most serious sequels in millions of children who populate the classrooms of our Brazil. our fight, now strengthened with official measures, must be centered in the provoking and fortalecedoras causes of these sequels that keep racism, the preconceptions and the discriminations in evidence. It does not have doubts, is from the color of the skin, that if in such a way perceive the racial signals of preconception in the school as in any another environment of daily experience. 3 – The PROJECT OF INTERVENTION With the studies carried through during the course of Racial Relations, we had the subsidies necessary to place in practises the intervention project, ' ' African culture and Afro-Brazilian: Racial relations in the Escola' '.

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