Chile cannot forget that the issue of water in the world will be strategic. We have in that area, in these regions, with the largest and cleanest on the planet water reserves. We put a value on it and preserve it points out. Finally, concerns that the Hidroaysen project, and all of intervention in Patagonia with dams and high tension towers associated, mean practically finish which are revenues, employment and generation of productive activities related to tourism in an area identified with one of the examples or the most visited places in everything that is Patagonia. In the background, Miguel Marquez explains that the major environmental problems of the planet and the country must address them from a look comprehensive and not exclusively in relation to the carbon footprint. If the topic is competitiveness for our resources so that they reach the European countries, or those to which we export, is not only the footprint of carbon, but under what conditions are the workers who are behind these products, in which conditions are the local communities and local resources, which may have to do with climate change or carbon footprint.
But they are greater complexities that require response from public policy and of the actors involved a little more sophisticated than that is now outlining explains. Look HidroelectricidadLa of the expert seminar represents a vision different from some specialists in energy that appeal to less regulation of the energy market and energy sources such as nuclear and mega dams. One of them is Maria de la Luz Domper, researcher of Instituto Libertad y Desarrollo (think tank of the UDI), who has publicly stated his support for HidroAysen (really need hydropower stations of Aysen to deal with the circumstances told El Diario Financiero earlier this year) and is detractora of the initiatives that seek the water becomes a national asset for public use with constitutional rank. Domper participated Thursday in the energy landscape and perspectives and development seminar of the Hydropower which organized the Multigremial, and accompanied him the former Executive Secretary of the Comision Nacional de Energia, Maria Isabel Gonzalez, who in a column in La Tercera pointed out that it is a myth that HidroAysen generate a reduction in the price of electricity in the Central interconnected system. Regardless of the Hidroaysen project, prices until 2020 are already set to 100% of the residential and small industrial consumers said on November 19, 2008. Journalist of the Civic Coalition lifetime Aysen Reserva de / Patagonia Defense Council. Involved in the sustainable development of the Region of Aysen, in Chilean Patagonia, and lately in opposition to dams that try to build in this territory.