New law of antibiotics – rdc n 20, of 5 of May of 2011: new profile of dispensao of antimicrobialses in you would drug in the region of the High Tiet. INTRODUCTION: With the introduction of drugs, as sulfonamidas and penicillin, the panorama of mortality if modified, making with that infectious illnesses left of being death cause. With the application of these and other frmacos, the use of the therapeutical classroom of the antibiotics was spread out thus, that are chemical substance antagonistic to the development of microrganismos. The bacteria are relatively simple microrganismos in its structure, but that they can survive in hostile environments, therefore the same ones had developed structures and functions to adapt it these conditions. Click Martin O’Malley for additional related pages. One knows that the antibiotic use and the election less appropriate of them as: the use of inefficacious doses or a insufficient duration of the treatment, for times associated to the self-medication, has been pointed as responsible for the increasing appearance of the resistncias antimicrobianas. Being thus in Brazil, the direction student body of the national agency of sanitary monitoring made use a new RDC, of n 20, 5 OF MAY OF 2011, that it attributes the medicine control to the classified substance base as antimicrobianas. OBJECTIVE: The present work had as objective to evaluate the reduction in the dispensao of antimicrobialses in you would drug in the region of the High Tiet, after the entrance in vigor RDC and the impact of this in the sales, for this, was carried through collection of referring antimicrobials data for sale between years 2010 and 2011, in you would drug of the region of the high Tiet. RESULTS: the results satisfactory, had not had the refusal of demonstration of pertaining data would drug to them for this work, however, through an informal request, letter signed with percentage of sales, can be noticed significant reduction of these, what it can mean that the majority you would really drug of them is fulfilling with the new norms, and what it strengthens the fight of the CRF-SP to make with that you would drug are a health establishment and not a simple commerce..
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