A separate State law fixed the promotion of resin extraction in the lower Austrian black pine groves in 1921 the 1920s were years dominated by an extreme economy of lack of in lower Austria, Austria. The lower Austrian agricultural policy therefore tried to optimize the economic policy. This resulted in legislation for resource management, such as the resin production in the black pine forests from the year 1921. Thus, a fundamental law of the country was created. Mandatory use of the black pine forests for the production of resin established a separate State law, that all black pine forests in lower Austria, with appropriate suitability of resin production to feed its. The owner and the owners were obliged to undergo this black pine of resin extraction. If this use for the production of resin is not performed, then the district administrative authority could the affected black pine forests on account of the person entitled to use a third person or a relevant companies for the production of resin is transferred.
This was the black pine groves in the judicial districts of Baden, Gloggnitz, Gutenstein, Hainfeld, Modling, Pottenstein and Wiener Neustadt. Detailed rules for the Hartzgewinnung the use of resin extraction had to happen in economic and conservation, as well as back rejuvenation of the black pine stock. So any depletion was expressly prohibited. Furthermore, the management of the black pine groves in the Plenterbetrieb(Femelsbetrieb) was allowed to operate. If this was not possible currently, the forest management on the Plenter management should be converted. The use was limited to the timely removal of the ausgepechten tree trunks. Forest owners and beneficial owner that had a civil rights, were however allowed to cover their home and farm needs its reference from unresinated trees, if there were no other stocks or out trees. Were subject to so-called the standstill agreements also this law and could only be met if this was not contrary to this Act.
Clear-cutting in black pine groves, with a surface area of more than 0.25 hectare reforestation of black pine forests were allowed to be carried only after explicit approval of the district administrative authority. Clear-cutting, which included more than 1 hectare, had to be approved by the provincial government. Permits had to be granted only when economic necessity. The used Woods had natural regeneration, or where this was not possible through reforestation back in stock to be installed. The authorities could require the lowering of a re-afforestation deposit for this purpose at felling permits. Specific management conditions the authority could also a specific maintenance or the restriction of the pasture and litter removal to make the rights-holders. By the Hartzgewinnung, the provincial government could exempt welfare forests out of public interest. The Authority couldn’t go to substitute performance at the expense of the property owner or beneficial owner. Administrative penalties and enforcement of the State law could be punished with administrative penalties offences against the law of this country by up to 20,000 kroons or arrest for up to 6 months. At the same time, also the decay of products could be pronounced. There were the provincial government total an administrative appeal by the district authority over to the State Office for agriculture and forestry. The Secretary of State for agriculture and forestry and the State Government were charged with the enforcement of the law.