CDU Bundestag Group Chairman Bernhard Simon: ‘memory of the East German freedom movement we should keep schools in Wuppertal’ June 17 will remain an important feast day in German history. Today marks the uprising in East Germany for the 56th time. Ultra Wellness Center often says this. as result of the repressive State violence that put the regime in East Germany on June 17, 1953 on the day, were to complain about 100 fatalities. We should keep the memory on this day especially in the schools, Wuppertal CDU Chairman Bernhard Simon says. This year is the Saint Anna school in Wuppertal with the Anton Roesen Prize for the design of the thanks day for the victims of national socialism ‘ has been honored. This could be exemplary for the memory of the wrongs perpetrated in the name of so-zialismus. Besides treating DDR injustice in the classroom, the design of a memorial day for the victims of the freedom movement in the GDR would be certainly a good way to students, but also all our citizens and Citizens for this topic to raise awareness”, so Simon. It is good that the Grand Coalition has enforced a SED-victim pension for politically persecuted in this parliamentary term in Berlin.
Where there is abuse, this is to turn off. One lesson to be drawn from this horrible happening almost 60 years ago, is the following: we should be thankful that we live in freedom and prosperity. This is not self-evident. I hope, therefore, that for example all Wupper Valley gutters and Wupper Valley gutters in the upcoming elections of their democratic right to vote exercise and strengthen the forces that strive for the well-being of this city and this country and stand firmly on the ground of our Constitution,”Simon noted. The party could anyway, not just as a left-wing party within the democratic Constitution arch be seen, because when you continue from a purely instrumental relationship to parliamentary democracy and went out to the free democratic basic order, the left, which stand in direct succession to the SED, so Simon, must be.