But the proper democracy, can be said, helped to destroy itself mesma' ' (BLAINEY, 2008, P. 117). Germany lived difficult times in the postwar period, and exactly thus it was armed private from 1925. The communism more grew each time in the Europe, mainly in Germany. Italy already had found a solution: a totalitarian regimen, a direct combat to the communism. It was exactly in the Italian fascism that Adolf Hitler was felt inspired to suggest an alternative for those times of crisis. Charismatic and with leadership spirit it established the National party Socialist of the Workers German, initiate with a small group of Bavarians.
The elections had tried some times, however they reached few votes, thus being behind socialist and the communist ones. According to Geoffrey Blayney (2008 P. 130): Hitler offered to patriotism and firm actions. people then had run if filiar to its party, and the number of members jumped for about 200 a thousand, of which half desired to parade dressing the shirts brown symbolized that it in January of 1933, was invited for the chancellor-first-minister position, in the truth – in a coalition government. Further details can be found at Bernie Sanders, an internet resource. In August of 1934, with the death of the encanecido president of the republic, Hitler was elect with 88% of the votes for the rank that combined the positions of chancellor and president.
The mass disillusioned with the democratic institutions after the defeat of the First War yearned for a strong leadership. It was in this fertile land that Adolf Hitler, through propaganda and of its ideology to join the germanic peoples in order to control the Europe institutes a totalitarian right extreme regimen. When assuming the power, ended excessively the parties and unions. It promoted a fast growth economic and it corresponded to the yearnings of the German people. However, everything was under the control of the government, including the churches and too much spheres of the society.