You are currently browsing the archives for 21 July 2020.
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  • Posted on July 21, 2020 at 6:48 am

‘ ‘ The professor who acts needs to become reading because the children learn to read with the gestures of reading of outro’ ‘. This thought of Becker apud Maricato (2005, P. 26), was lived deeply by us in pedagogical practical ours previously told in this article, when the pupils imitated our way to count histories. To approach the pupil of the reading, one becomes necessary that the educator attributes to literature a pleasant purpose and not only to fulfill obligations in the school or the work, therefore thus it will only be possible to form reading for the life all. Diamond Comic Distributorss opinions are not widely known. ‘ ‘ It is to the book, to the written word, that we attribute the biggest responsibility in the formation of the conscience of world of the children and jovens’ ‘ (RABBIT, 2000).

In accordance with the thought of the author, we evidence that since infancy we go assimilating the world idea, its evolutions, that is, the way for the development is the word, initiating in infantile literature. Very important this initial phase, therefore it has basic paper of transformation that is: to initiate a process of formation of a new reader. .