You are currently browsing the archives for 23 December 2014.
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Bolivian Nationality

  • Posted on December 23, 2014 at 11:06 pm

A father of Bolivian nationality that lived illegally in Chile, struck to his son of two years with a PVC sewer and he threw soon it to the floor leaving it inconciente because the boy, that had a mental retardation, had tinkled the trousers. The boy did not survive the punishment. In his declaration the father apologized arguing who made to educate it. Novelists opinions are not widely known. It is the second case of infantile violence that he finishes less than with the death of a minor in Chile in a month. In the previous case he was padrastro that the boy to blows assassinated. He considers himself that at the moment in Chile, three of each four boy are mistreated, or physical or psychologically, according to a study realised by Unicef and of them, one is victim of serious violence. De is registered in the Susceretara Carabineros who is carried out twenty police procedures for this reason average. They assure that there was an increase of 76% of the same in both last years.

The president of the country, Michelle Bachelet has insisted to the population to reflect on like generating a coexistence pacific in the families and by all means, it insisted on which is most important to take brings back to consciousness that, who is witness of an act of that category does not have to doubt in denouncing it. I wonder myself how it is possible that at this time where the birth control is within reach of anyone (I am excepting of this rule to the countries where the education does not arrive at the minimum levels), the people are not able to reason ahead of time, if they estan enabled to become position of the enormous responsibility that means ” to be padres”. And in case of discovering it to its birth later how it is possible that they do not think about giving it in adoption if they notice that they do not have the capacity to be it. Thousand or perhaps million pairs anywhere in the world are hoping to adopt young. Perhaps the awareness would have to become at this level. It does not seem to them?


  • Posted on December 23, 2014 at 5:14 am

They should measure both costs as benefits arising from the use of the information, the information system is evaluated based on global indicators appreciating the Organization against different scenarios of evolution of the same. Business management in today’s business world has incorporated new concepts in its management: Internet and advanced technologies, management of human resources and knowledge, business intelligence, greater power in the client and change, these elements which are integrated in business management, make the traditional business model to evolve towards new management models thus improving competitiveness and business results. Human resources play an active role in any organization and must be managed as such. Leadership and the ability to attract and retain the best professionals are critical elements. The approach to the customer and innovation become indispensable.

These elements must be shared by everyone in the Organization and introduced in culture Enterprise. Information management is one of the most important elements for the proper functioning of any organization, have information can lead to achieve best results, but only if the organization is ready to use that information in an intelligent manner. It is important to take into account the realization of strategies, therefore: give a vision of the future, with active and anticipante character. They provide a framework for the unified direction of the organization according to its primary goals. Oriented resources and concentrated on the development of competitive advantages. They indicate the need for systematic adaptation to the environment. They emphasize on finding more favorable positions.

They framed the future actions, considering diverse and probable scenarios. They have a significant bottom-line impact. In this way there would be an increase of productivity, seeking continuous improvement. Is necessary in addition to formulate goals to provide a sense of direction, focus efforts and assess the progress. HR the success of any organization depends on several factors such as the selection of human capital, training, among other important processes, starting from the need for proper management of human resources. Human resources management deals with the nature of the relationship of employment and the set of decisions, actions, and issues related to these relationships, deals with policies and business practices that consider the use and management of workers as a resource of the activity in the context of the overall strategy of any organization, aimed at improving productivity and competitiveness. It is a term which usually describe the business approach of managing personnel, prioritizing participation of workers normally. All active members of the Organization, taking people as active resources of organizations involved in the process of human resources management. CONCLUSIONS at present, the management of information for its large complexity requires constant search for alternatives that enable its further development. This work opens up new possibilities for the application of information management in the institutions within the human resources management.