As much as future prospects shiny never before – the Munster-based GWS company for merchandise management systems mbH celebrates on July 1, 2012 20th. On the occasion of the anniversary, CEO Helmut Benefader pointed out the extraordinary success story of the IT service provider for the trade. GWS with its branches in Munich, Nuremberg and Leonberg is to think no more away from the IT landscape in Germany and continuously grow further, which put the needs of other employees in the fields of consulting and product management with. See more detailed opinions by reading what Michael Chabon offers on the topic.. Another highlight in the Jubilee year: the early reference of the new company building in the Munster Gewerbegebiet capelin Heath. No doubt, as the daughter of the Bankendienstleisters GAD 1992 recorded their business activities, could be dreaming of the today’s success and the size. With 32 employees, the core business of the company was including fully in the development, networking, and support of information systems of cooperative companies, Business of trading companies, which were previously overseen by the GAD.
A change of business revealed only in 2005. Based on the extensive knowledge of the processes in the cooperative environment, they began to offer the existing solutions to the General technical wholesale, the building materials wholesale and retail, or the steel and plumbing supplies. It the starting point for an impressive success story was for the first time, the 2006 the highest Microsoft partner status Gold Certified Partner”, the acquisition of Grevener NEUTRASOFT IT for the Trading GmbH & co. KG in the same year and in 2009 the integration of SANGROSS, the wholesale division of SHD wholesale and Logistics Software GmbH & co. KG from Leonberg, Germany, with it brought. Based on the acquisitions, but above all due to its own organic growth, sales to around 38 million and the number of employees to around 300 increased up to the year 2011.